Why Your Child Needs Your Help If They Are Charged With A Crime

Posted on: 27 March 2015

If your child has been charged with a crime and is being tried as an adult in court, as their parent you need to step in and help them through the process. Children who are tried as adults need good representation, and their case must be taken seriously with a criminal defense attorney. Here are four reasons that you need to help your child through a criminal case.

1. Finding a Good Lawyer

Sourcing a good criminal defense attorney can make all of the difference. If your child is charged as an adult, they will need a lawyer with the skills and the know-how to fight their case in an adult court setting. This can be very different than a juvenile crime and your child will need the right representation.

2. Protecting Their Permanent Record

If charged with a crime, this will be on your child's record forever. If the crime that your child is going to court for can either be overturned or lessened, do whatever you can to make this possible. If your child has been charged with an adult crime, this has gone beyond teaching them a lesson. You as their parent will need to step in and help them get through this and keep their record as clean as possible.

3. Keeping Your Child out of Prison

Prison is a much different system than juvenile hall. If your child doesn't receive the expected outcome in court, they might be facing very real jail time. This can put your child's life in danger as they are not equipped to be around adult prisoners. Prison is no place for your child, and anything that you can do to help fight or lessen their criminal charges will help keep them out of the prison system.

4. Utilize Attorney-Client Privilege

Your child can work with their lawyer one-on-one so that you don't need to be your child's confidant. Your child might be ashamed and reluctant to tell you criminal things or details. If you can source a lawyer whom they can trust, then they can discuss the case and what happened with their criminal defense attorney and build their case.

You might still see your child as a young person learning lessons. If your child has been involved in a crime, this might have some very adult ramifications. Find a criminal defense lawyer (such as Russ Jones Attorney At Law) right away for your child if they are being tried as an adult in order to help them receive a better outcome in court.


My Real Life TV Drama

I used to think innocent people being accused of heinous crimes was something that only happened on TV until I found myself being arrested for a crime I didn't commit. This is when I realized that much of what I thought I knew about the criminal justice system was based on nothing more than inaccurate media portrayals. Thankfully, with the help of a criminal attorney, I was able to prove my innocence and reclaim my life. This experience left an impression that has changed my life forever, especially the way I see the criminal justice system. Since my arrest, I have made it my personal mission to not only learn more about the way this system works, but share with I learn with others. That is why I am starting this site to ensure everyone has a place to turn for the information they need on criminal law.