What a DUI Attorney Needs from You

Posted on: 23 October 2019

When a client comes to a DUI lawyer to discuss a case, it can be helpful if they have some key items with them. You'll find your first consultation with a DUI attorney more rewarding if you can address these 5 issues.


Charges filed by the police produce lots of paperwork. If the police or the court provided you with any paperwork, usually just after they release you from custody, make copies of these documents and provide the copies to a lawyer when you go to your initial meeting. Make a note of any hearing dates that may be scheduled, too.

Contemporaneous Messages and Videos

Many people these days have dashcams in their cars, and most folks have cell phones on them. Dashcam video is an invaluable resource for a DUI attorney because it can provide basic information about how the police interacted with you. Text messages and call logs are also useful because they can detail where you were and what you were doing prior to the traffic stop. Make sure to backup digital copies of videos and to lock all text messages that might be relevant to your case.

Simple Details

If possible, try to write down the names of any police officers and court officials you interacted with. This will give your DUI lawyer a starting point for checking for patterns of police behavior that might form the basis of a defense. It will also let your attorney know who they may need to talk to about the case.

A Written Recollection of Events

Getting the details down on paper as soon as possible can make a major difference. Your recollection of events is likely to get a bit fuzzy as time passes, and good notes will refresh your understanding. Stick to just documenting the facts. If you left the bar at a certain time, for example, note as closely as possible when that was. Include details about when you had your last drink, what it was and who might have been there.

A List of Medical Concerns

One potential defense is a medically-grounded argument. Make notes of all the medications you were on at the time of the traffic stop and include any supplements you might have been using. If you've ever had any medical conditions that might explain slight wooziness, those are worth noting, too. Your lawyer may then explore possible defenses based on your medical history.

Contact DUI law services like Daniels Long & Pinsel if it's time to open and close your case.


My Real Life TV Drama

I used to think innocent people being accused of heinous crimes was something that only happened on TV until I found myself being arrested for a crime I didn't commit. This is when I realized that much of what I thought I knew about the criminal justice system was based on nothing more than inaccurate media portrayals. Thankfully, with the help of a criminal attorney, I was able to prove my innocence and reclaim my life. This experience left an impression that has changed my life forever, especially the way I see the criminal justice system. Since my arrest, I have made it my personal mission to not only learn more about the way this system works, but share with I learn with others. That is why I am starting this site to ensure everyone has a place to turn for the information they need on criminal law.