Getting Justice For An Unfair Domestic Assault Charge

Posted on: 18 April 2022

Have you been thrown out of your home and charged with domestic assault after getting into an altercation with your partner? If you know that you did not commit the crime that you are being charged with, hiring a lawyer as early in your case as possible is important. The reason is that a lawyer can help you to avoid saying anything to the authorities that might be taken out of context and used against you in court. If you have already said things that can possibly be taken out of context, it is even more important to have the appropriate legal representation for your case. Neglecting to hire a lawyer can be a mistake that leads to your life being negatively affected in multiple ways in the long run.

What Are the Details of the Incident in Question?

To determine if you have any liability in the charges that are being held against you, a lawyer will need details about the incident that took place with your partner. For example, was there a heated conversation that included threats being made against your life? If your partner said anything negative or made threats, it is wise to let your lawyer know. The nature of the conversation that took place will give a lawyer a good idea of what led to you being charged with domestic assault. If you did not assault your partner but lightly touched them on the arm or any other part of the body, it is important to inform your lawyer so they can prepare a solid defense.

Do You Have Any Children with Your Partner?

When someone has a domestic assault charge on their criminal record, it can be a hindrance to their parental rights. If you have children with your partner, a lawyer can help you maintain your parental rights. For example, if your partner obtained a protective order against you, it could interfere with the time you are able to spend with your children. However, a lawyer can prove that the protective order isn't necessary, such as if you do not have a bad criminal record and have a good background regarding your children. A lawyer might use your overall character, such as your career, charitable donations, and other good deeds, to prove to the court that you are not a criminal.

Has Your Partner Tried to Make Amends with You?

Has your partner called or sent you text messages attempting to make amends? If so, be sure to let your lawyer know and provide evidence to prove what you are claiming. The evidence can prove that you are not as violent as your partner claimed you are in the initial complaint. Your case can possibly be dropped altogether if it is found that your partner made false accusations against you.

For more information, contact a law firm that handles domestic violence cases, such as Cohen Law Offices, LLC.


My Real Life TV Drama

I used to think innocent people being accused of heinous crimes was something that only happened on TV until I found myself being arrested for a crime I didn't commit. This is when I realized that much of what I thought I knew about the criminal justice system was based on nothing more than inaccurate media portrayals. Thankfully, with the help of a criminal attorney, I was able to prove my innocence and reclaim my life. This experience left an impression that has changed my life forever, especially the way I see the criminal justice system. Since my arrest, I have made it my personal mission to not only learn more about the way this system works, but share with I learn with others. That is why I am starting this site to ensure everyone has a place to turn for the information they need on criminal law.